
Day Of The Out Landers - Begegnungsfest

The English Club is organising a street stall later next month for the Begegnungsfest (coming together festival) on the Auslandertag (outlanders day).

They close of the central city area (it hardly ever seems to be open for anything other than partying) and set up information, food, wine and beers stalls for different countries from all over the world. Our stand will sell Guinness and John Smiths Ale on tap as well as bags of kettle chips. Maybe we can hand out excerpts of Monty Python scripts to cover the information angle. After all we are supposed to be educating people on the virtues of the United Kingdom. Maybe people could just soak their heads in a large vat of good old British fish and chip grease to help them get the general feel of the country. Either way it should be a fun day and I am looking forward to going to see what other stands have to offer.

In about 6 weeks time the club is doing a bicycle pub-crawl with the highlight being a 2-hour Rhine River cruise with BBQ lunch. I hope it fits in with the rest of the summer calendar, which is filling, fast with a variety of visits and party invites. We have our own annual house party again in about 5 weeks time. We have decided this year to get a 50 litre barrel of Glucks Pils as last year we ran dry a little too early in the evening for most punters and we had no recourse but to attack the bottled supplies stashed in cellar. The gear on tap is just so much nicer than the bottled stuff as you may one day discover yourself should you come to visit at the right time of year.

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