
In And Around Darmstadt

Looks as if I am destined to get back on a push bike as that seems to be the most common transport around the place. A lot of the bikes have little trailers attached to carry the shopping and even the kids. Mind you with the vast amount of cobble stone streets around here something with a bit of suspension would not go astray. The stones are bumpy enough in some sections to loosen your fillings.

Darmstadt is an interesting town in that it is recognised as the seat of sciences and arts in Germany. The university here is massive and very much given over to sciences. I had a walk around the main campus when I first arrived here and was amazed at the construction of the chemistry centre. The entire building has a steel girder exo-skelton that frames each level and upright. It is designed so as any massive explosions from within shall not damage the integrity of the building as a whole. Guess they must be tinkering with some fairly serious concoctions within.

The other major science item here is the European Space Operations Centre. The centre controls most of the sattelites that are launched by European countries for telecommunications and weather etc. one of its main control links globally is Perth in W.A..

Here’s one for any of you that have computers. The next time your Microsoft software hangs itself and crashes the appropriate comment is, ``Gone With The Windows``.