
Introducing The Amazing Fibonacci

Now for a bit of math that some of you will no doubt have seen but once again I have only come across it for the first time recently and I found it quite intriguing.

If you take the number 135, take the first digit to the power of 1, the square of the second and the cube of the third you get the same number again.

135 = 11 + 32 + 53 = 135
the next one in this type of sequence is
175 = 11 + 72 + 53 = 175

a slightly different variation on this theme is

136 = 13 + 33 + 63 = 244
now repeat the process and you get the number you first thought of
244 = 23 + 43 + 43 = 136

The mathematician Fibonacci had imagined a pair of rabbits which produced two off-spring every month, off-spring which began to breed at exactly the same rate one month after birth and asked how many pairs of rabbits would there be after one year. The answer is 144 but the number of pairs of rabbits each month was the most famous sequence of numbers in mathematics: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. You could always work out the next number in the sequence by adding up the previous two. After 40 months there would be 102,334,105 pairs. That’s some kind of infestation. Just some thing to play with and think about.

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