Just came back from 4 days in Berlin where I was fortunate enough to see Radio Birdman on their 2006 European Tour on Thursday night. Had a fabulous evening at the Kalkscheune watching the boys rip it up. The lineup of Rob Younger on vocals, Pip Hoyle on keyboards and the twin guitar attack of Deniz Tek and Chris Masuak remains unchanged. You Am I's Russell Hopkinson is now on drums while Jim Dickson, a former member of the New Christs and Deniz Tek Group, is on bass.
I counted a total of 21 songs for the gig and I only recognized 5 of them as coming from the new Zeno Beach album. All of my favourite songs were played and my 2 friends from Berlin who had never even heard them before have become instant fans.
After the show Rob Younger came out and mixed with the crowd that was still drinking in the courtyard outside the venue. An Englishman who was following the tour through all its gigs who had spoken to me earlier came over and asked if I would like to meet him. I jumped at the chance of course. Rob is a top man (maybe in the language department as well) and was great to talk with. He was very softly spoken and was at the very least quite interested in learning of how myself and friends from Ballarat and Melbourne were such serious fans and followers. If you get a chance to catch then in passing then, “Book ‘Em Danno!”
Wild At Heart nightclub in Kreuzberg was taking part in the 2006 Popkomm Showcase on Saturday night with bands Phantom Rockers, Heartbreak Engines and the Kamikaze Queens.
The Kamikaze Queens playing essentially Punk / Rockabilly / Garage consist of Trinity Tarantula & Mad Kate on Voluptuous Vocals, Luscious Lloyd plucking Big Bad Bass, Tex Morton (ex Mad Sin, Nitro 17) on Twang Bomb Guitar and the sauve Nico Lipps playing Demolition Drums. Their own definition of their style is Punk Cabaret from Honky Tonk Hell!
I got a chance to talk with Trinity for half an hour which was great. She is lovely person with a good sense of humour and a very sharp mind indeed. She has lived in Berlin for 8 years although she is a San Francisco native.
She was kind enough to introduce me to Tex and Nico which was also really neat. They did a howling set that just left the place shaking to the rafters. I have rarely enjoyed a better Psycho Punkabilly band anywhere. If ever you are in Berlin look them up, style your ducktail and get on out there. These guys really rock.