My historical note this month concerns some other background pieces that my mate Thomas has been relating to me over the past few weeks. It concerns the nature of the edicts that Hitler laid down in his preparations for the true Aryan race, his great and unwavering, except when it suited him, national socialist idealogy.
Now maybe I am somewhat poorly educated in WWII history but it turns out that Adolf himself was a Catholic Jew and when your setting out to exterminate all Jews then this has to become more than a slightly sticky wicket. Joseph Goebells his chief minister of propoganda was not only of jewish decent and upbringing but worse still was deformed with a club foot. Both his religion and his deformity would have on either count been sufficient to have him permanently removed from existence were it not for his brilliance as a speech writer and antagonist of the allied troops on the radio airwaves.
Another high ranking member of the Nazi party that managed to allude persecution was Rheinhardt Heidrich, better known as ``The Henchman of Prague`` and one of Heinrich Himmler`s right hand strong arm men in the upper echelons of the SS. Heidrich like Goebells was a Jew but this was conveniently over looked by Hitler due to the fact that he was 6ft 3in tall, had ashen blond hair, the big Nordic muscular build from several centuries of inbreeding with Vikings and the like and the most piercing blue eyes that Hitler had ever encountered. He was the true embodiment of Hitlers Aryan super being. The 1939 version of a calender pin-up boy on Adolf‘s bedroom wall. Also noteable was the fact that both Hitler and Goebells were both dark haired, brown eyed and vertically challenged. These features embodied in themselves were enough to send many other souls to Auswitsch and eventual extermination.
Once again history proves that what is sauce for the goose is not necessarily sauce for the gander. It brings to light another little said fact that the exactness of historical truth is only that which the government of your time and country has allowed to be taught in the class rooms of your time. Enough said !