Poor old Oz is looking a bit grim at the moment. It is pretty much what happened in the first few years of GST in NZ but take heart, it only took them 11 years to get it back under control where it worked nicely for about three years and then collapsed again.
I´m still amazed that John Howard even went down that road given the history of NZ and Canada and thier near economic demise.
Sadly I think that the demise of Ansett, Daimaru, Pasminco and tourism are just the tip of the iceberg. With all this global warming it shouldn’t take too long before some other big chunks melt off and sink into the murky cess pool of GST reform. I guess when you’ve got squillions in the bank and invested off shore as Johnny Boy no doubt has, the issue of life quality for the average Aussie doesn’t rate a second thought.
I think that someone should start plugging request lines and get Triple JJJ to play Randy Newman’s, ´Don’t Want No Short People´, thirty times a day in the run up to the federal election. People may not vote for him in the hope that the radio may never dig the song out of its archive vaults ever again.