
Bush Humour

Some humorous comments that I have overheard in the last month include comments relating to corporate fraud in America.

· In relation to the WorldCom accounting scandal, “ I wonder how it feels to one day be the CEO of the worlds largest telephone company and the next day to only being allowed one phone call!”

· In relation to Dubbya’s stance on congressional laws against corporate fraud, “ From now on whenever you buy a senator you will have to get a receipt.”
“Dick Cheney the Vice President has said in a recent speech to congress that he will do what ever it takes to fight corporate crime in America and to prove the point he finished the speech by punching himself in the head.”


Drifting Into Spring

The seasonal tables are slowly turning are they not ? As we drift slowly out of Winter, we here are seeing the beginnings of quite an early Spring or Frühlings. A large number of our fruit trees in the garden are a mass of white blossoms accompanied by the crocus and daffodil blooms.

They have a name for cowslip over here which is Schlüsselblume, Schlüssel being a key and blüme for bloom. More simply the key bloom and it is known as such as it heralds in the beginning of Spring and is usually the first to flower.

The weather has been extraordinarily wonderful of late with mild days in the high teens and lots of sunny spots permeating through the scattered banks of clouds to warm away the ice fingers of the Winter past. As the ground slowly defrosts from the permafrost set deep down in the earth, the water table rises and seeps through to the surface where it moistens and sustains the bulbs and roots of the Spring flowers and the fruit trees in bloom.

The local neighbourhood is currently a riot of white, pink and purple blossoms as well as the yellows, blues and lavender of the ground dwelling plants.